Monday, March 21, 2005

363: CELL BIOLOGY: Division of Labor -- Hurtley 307 (5716): 1693d -- Science

CELL BIOLOGY: Division of Labor -- Hurtley 307 (5716): 1693d -- Science:

Eukaryotic cells contain a dynamic array of cytoskeletal elements--microtubules--that organize key events in the cell's life cycle, including cell division. The regulation of microtubule polymerization and depolymerization, processes that both occur at the so-called plus ends of microtubules, must therefore be carefully controlled. Mennella et al.looked at the role of two kinesins (KLPs) and how they cooperate to control appropriate microtubule dynamics
All eukaryotes have a common ancestor (eukaryotes have cells with nuclei and organelles). They also share this mode of controlling microtubules.